

Creality offers page

man with finger on lips to say 'be quiet'

This page will show you the current offers from Creality… There are different offers for different countries…so i will have links at the top to the different countries… If you know anyone who may make use of this – please…

Setting up a temperature tower in Cura

temperature towers show a lot of information

Setting up your 3d printer is similar to printing that test page with a new printer… Setting up a temperature tower in Cura and printing it will tell you a lot about the filament and your machine… Once you have…

3d print Slicer software FAQ

slicer faq spyglass

There have been a lot of questions about 3d printer slicer software, so i thought i would put pen to paper ( so to speak) and answer half a dozen of the top ones…there will be more to come… Do…

Bowden Extruder Mods for Geeetech A10T

This bowden extruder mod can be carried out to any extruder which it is difficult to insert the filament into… It just happens that i have a Geeetech a10T – so i have three to do…lucky me… Why the mod-…

Beginners Slicer Settings

working on computer ot translate the cad file for the 3d printer

At the start of your printing journey you may be overwhelmed with every thing you need to do to get a good print… This guide will go through the essential settings a beginner must be aware of when using their…

Why you need to use a slicer with a 3d printer

Whether you like it or not with the 3d print process you need to incorporate slicer software within your workflow… You need a 3d slicer within your 3d print workflow because you need to translate your cad model to data…

CTC 3D Printer Upgrades

A reader has Kindly generated an article to help you with your CTC printer problems. I will let you read it in his words…. by Ray J, Hereford, UK.  At the start Purchased a the CTC printer through Amazon, and…

How Large Can you build a 3D Printer

A lot of people look at the small volume of the desktop 3d printers and dream of designing a huge machine. What limits the size of a 3d printer: mechanical components , complexity and costs are the three main limitations for…

Custom Start G-code : Is It Worth Changing 

When you load your Gcode into your printer, it will carry out exactly the commands it is told. Are the default ones the best for your printer… Why customize the start g-code: Your 3d printer will do exactly what G-codes…

Prusaslicer vs Cura : Is it worth moving

I have now been operating 3d printers for a few years and have got used to creating models – or downloading- slicing and printing. But have recently become more and more frustrated with the Cura interface – so started looking…

My Filament is Not Coming Out : Why?

Filament problems with your 3d printer – find out what causes them and how to fix them. It’s always the case – the print that matters – you have setup the printer and made sure everything is working – you…

 What is 3d Printing Workflow

 What is 3d printing workflow How do you get from the concept to something in your hand with an fdm printer…. What is 3d printing workflow: 3d printing workflow is the method of taking a concept of what you want and…

Anet A8 Bed Leveling : How do You do Yours?

Having had my anet a8 for over a year now I am getting quite used to it. I am just going through a mod for adding an e3d v6 all metal hotend clone, with interesting results, but that’s another story.…

3d print Journal 10-01-18 : Slicer Vase Mode

Happy new year to you all. Prior to the Christmas break I was printing with my Anet A8 3d printer. I had the slicer vase mode set– if you haven’t tried it you must. Vase mode produces, in some slicers,…

Anet A8 bearing replacement- SB1

Service Bulletin 1 (SB1) This service bulletin details how to check and perform Anet A8 bearing replacement on the X and Y axis. What are the symptoms which require Anet A8 bearing replacement After you have bought your 3d printer…

3d print journal 28-11-17 : Anet A8 problems

More Anet A8 problems Printing on the Anet A8 last night I heard a thump from upstairs, where the printer is located. Going upstairs, I found a pen on the floor – obviously not liking the vibrations of the printer.…

5 Mods for the Anet A8 3d Printer

The Anet A8 is a cost effective introductory printer into the 3d printing world. As a build it yourself model, it is up to you how you modify it. The standard build is good and will teach you a lot…

Ups for a 3d Printer: Do you need one?

Why would you need a UPS for a 3d printer? Why do you need a UPS for a 3d printer? Let me describe the scenario… You have spent a lot of time on your 3d printer, adding this and that…

How to smooth PLA prints

Smooth PLA prints – how to achieve them Have you ever wondered how to smooth PLA prints – if so read on… You have invested money into your printer, and time if you have built it yourself. You have got…